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InuYasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask


Welcome to the world of InuYasha!! You play as either a guy or girl from the present day world who falls through the floor and winds up outside kaedes village.

   First off let me say, if you don't like the show, don't buy this game.  There are better RPG's out there which allow you to pick the path you walk (good or evil).  However, this game is more like a Final Fantasy, your stuck to the good side.

However if you do like the show, this is probably one of the best games your going to find period.  The background graphics look hand drawn, but the characters are in chibidi form.  The game features Anime for 'Combo attacks' which is a first since Chrono Trigger. Some of these attacks are cool(theres one where Sango's Boomerang turns into an Atom Bomb)  and some are just funny (Miroku grabs Sango's ass and ducks so sango hits the enemy."

The moves are good and stay true to the game as well

The best thing this game has going for it is the story.  You will acually feel like your in fedual japan, instead of just sitting on your couch playing a video game.  You will get mad when you fall into one of Narakus traps, rejoice when you kill him, and get mad when thats what he wanted you to do.

For the first time I've ever seen, you accually get to fall in love with one of the characters.  Through random moments of peace in the game you get to hang out with a character for a day.  Eventually you will fall in love with that person.  (I fell in love with Sango, and it broke my heart as my characters broke when she cared about Mirioku.) 

In closing this game is definitly worth bying if you like the show, and I recommend it, but the chibidi holds it back, and the fact that you dont get to choose evil or good (if I got to I'd be with Sesshomaru.)  Also its turn based which I like but many people don't.  I give this game an 8 out of 10

Question's about the game or need help?

InuYasha: The secret of the cursed mask


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